22 members of the band assembled to provide the music for the Sunday morning worship at Chandler’s Ford Methodist Church on 1st October 2017. The service was led by Rev. Canon Dr Andrew Wood and was a ‘Church with Choices’ service based on the theme of God’s creation.
We opened with the Introit song to the tune of ‘St Francis’ from the Salvation Army’s hymn tune book. The first hymn as ‘Sing of the Lord’s Goodness’ arr. Simon Farrenden, this was followed by ‘Over All the Earth’ and ‘My Jesus My Saviour’ both tunes taken from the Salvation Army’s Magnify book. ‘Abbotts Leigh’ and ‘Beauty for Brokeness’ were played to tune from the salvation Army’s publication Scripture Based Songs. After the service we finished with ‘Majesty’ again from the Scripture Based Songs booklet.
There were plenty of encouraging comments received after the service from members of the congregation on the good sounds and good balance.